miRBase entry: 23426804

Discovery of pluripotency-associated microRNAs in rabbit preimplantation embryos and embryonic stem-like cells

PubMed ID 23426804
Authors "Maraghechi P, Hiripi L, Toth G, Bontovics B, Bosze Z, Gocza E"
Journal "Reproduction
Volume 145
Pages 421-437

There are 12 miRNAs associated with this paper:
Name Accession RPM Chromosome Start End Strand Confidence
ocu-mir-302b MI0030987 None CM000804.1 36769627 36769706 + -
ocu-mir-302c MI0030988 None CM000804.1 36769770 36769837 + -
ocu-mir-302a MI0030989 None CM000804.1 36769946 36770014 + -
ocu-mir-302d MI0030990 None CM000804.1 36770109 36770176 + -
ocu-mir-367 MI0030991 None CM000804.1 36770233 36770300 + -
ocu-mir-373 MI0030992 None GL018924.1 215967 216050 - -
ocu-mir-371 MI0030993 None GL018924.1 216428 216510 - -
ocu-mir-520e MI0030994 None GL018924.1 224104 224187 - -
ocu-mir-498 MI0030995 None GL018924.1 224263 224386 - -
ocu-mir-512a MI0030996 None GL018924.1 225897 225994 - -
ocu-mir-512b MI0030997 None GL018924.1 228721 228818 - -
ocu-mir-191 MI0030998 None CM000798.1 16649737 16649828 - -